Friday, October 10, 2014

TbP 12: Anticulture (f/ Lisa Carver & Mr Musty)

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This episode of Talking bout Practice is so good I'm probably a genius just for scheduling it. Please join me & Billy Ray "the Bedroom Genius" Stupendous as we execute a flawless takedown of two overrated geniuses, "Rowdy" Mr Musty and Lisa "The Hitman" Carver, in a no-holds-barred cage match ...... nah. Truth is there weren't a whole lot of disagreements in this one, only thoughts presented in a gentle manner by civilized adults. Fans of Mr Musty's Livejournal and Ms Carver's zines and books -- of which th latest is named Money's Nothing -- won't be surprised by their incisive interpretations and their oblique angles on familiar topics, though their shared affection for Kardashians and Furries might catch a few off guard. Th evening's topic? Culture, Counterculture, & Anticulture -- i.e., th Dominant, th Insurgent, & th Invisible. Th Assimilator, th Assimilated, & th Unassimilable. Th Lawful Good, th Chaotic Neutral, & th Ugly. Th Bad Ugly Good, th Ugly Beautiful Baaaad, & th Angelic Demonic Freakin' Week-end. We never did get around to defining our terms

Table of contents:
00:00  "In Spite of Ourselves" performed by John Prine & Iris Dement
03:30  Intro Mr Musty and Lisa Carver | What is a str8wad? | Mr Musty's three agents of culture | counterculture to culture: a process
08:44  Lisa on being assimilated by culture | two books published in one year
11:00  Kardashians vs Art Is Life movement
13:33  Baseline mass-cultural product has gotten really good | Family Ties
17:06  Agreeing on everything -- what a bummer | information saturation | "I wasn't using my privacy anyway" | seamlessness between culture and counterculture
19:25  UFO abductees | Anticulture is unassimilable | what UFO-acceptance culture would look like
23:44  Constituents' paranoid fantasies come true | how to get on a watchlist
26:30  On th gentleness of abductees, psychics, & witches | late Furry friend | shoutout to AA and Livejournal
31:07  Non-geographical vs geographical senses of self | tribute to New Orleans | Local conformity was an illusion | one possible advantage of geographical/local identity | can opener story: Culture, Counterculture, or Anticulture? 
38:33  Message from Culture: Yr Neighbourhood Is Not Who You Are | hashtags and their relationship to #identity #politics | Never go outside | Never go outside w/o yr smartphone | I'm going to keep my flip-phone
40:35  Young and untraceable | what it would take to get a visit from th FBI | th antiterror comedy | close enough for government work | Are you Saudi Arabian?
43:19  How to get along w/ Republicans | The fact that Ds and Rs don't talk to each other anymore is totally fucking up the country | hatred, or just wanting to win? | Nobody wins
50:55  Rs, Ds, symbolic fights, & real fights | things (politics, jobs, numbers) that are and aren't real 
54:44  Mr Musty and Ms Carver appear to disagree | ethanol story | abstractions tumbling downhill into th real | what businesspeople and politicians are supposed to be doing
57:58  Lego hypothesis
59:11  College is ... | "I don't think there should be school anymore" | de facto debtors' prison | Swedes | th grind | fake jobs
1:04:30  I never went to college | windsurfing Furry dream | Financial obligations multiply | MZA says something racist again
1:08:33  Resolved: I am going to own 10 of everything | on having 10 friends | 1 computer w/ 10 of everything on it
1:12:33  Why do you have physical books? | th comix problem | why painting paintings is more lucrative than writing books | Carver is th Klimt of now
1:14:29  The last, bloody, failed, rear-guard action to hang on to the physical book | those fucking millennials | over-under on th lifespan of books
1:15:54  Guys who need books to get laid | when girls got into comix | Craig Thompson's Blankets | classy people who make lists of books
1:19:33  On making a book interactive | on th seclusion of books
1:21:21  Differences in th new brain | Submitted: technology changes more than th brain does
1:22:16  Ode to th long form: Livejournal & Grantland as Counterculture | Now we are th slow grandparents | split attentions in th new brain
1:25:45  "Web sites are tools" vs "Web sites are houses" | remembering facts vs remembering locations of facts | What are street signs ? | wearable tech | drunks in driverless cars | th Apocalypse | th wristwatch, th map, th chicken nugget, & th printing press
1:32:42  Let's do a Diet show | th game-ification of incentives | You can't lie to yr iWatch | "I permit all"
1:36:55  Good-bye, Lisa & Mr Musty | good-bye, listeners
1:39:29  Bonus Track: a song whose royalty fee we paid in blood