Monday, February 23, 2015

TbP 15: NOLA: Tourists, Townies, & Transplants

on iTunes

It is my fault that our podcast disappeared, and now it is my fault again that it is back, and it is especially my fault that I have little recollection about what is in this episode of the podcast nor enough desire to rediscover what is in it before posting. What is known: Billy Ray Stupendous and I were joined by our roommate and lifelong New Orleans resident Kathleen O and th world-famous-in-New-Orleans DJ Pompeii (to whom you can tune in every Monday from noon to 2:00p Central on WTUL), to discuss the profound differences between being local and being a carpetbagger in America's greatest city

Table of contents:
  • 00:00:00  "Here Come the Girls" performed by Ernie K Doe
  • 00:02:58  ??????GOD ONLY KNOWS
  • 01:09:58  Bonus Track: America's greatest American

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